Discover the world of water.

Your natural water connection.

Your natural water connection.
OSUISSE hydrates water-drinkers around the world with its reliable online order and delivery services. Our eco-friendly packaging also liberates our discerning customers: no more queuing and heavy lugging. From us to you and naturally: to your health!

You can count on water.

You can count on water.
With zero calories and 100% replenishing hydration, water is the number one when it comes to healthful drinking. As a rule of thumb, 30-40 milliliters of water per kilogram body weight are recommended daily. For hydration and fluid replacement before, during, and after athletic activity, water is the world champion for keeping body functions healthy.

Water: natural substance.

Water: natural substance.
To hydrate and stay healthy, we rely on the wholesome goodness of water. Water is a natural substance familiarly known under a chemical formula: H2O. Each water molecule consists of two parts hydrogen to one part oxygen. OSUISSE water is naturally filtered, untreated and contains no additives.

The cool cube.

The cool cube.
If you must use ice in your water, tap water won’t do: make the cubes from the same bottled water that you plan to serve. Ice cubes made from luxury bottled water will also enhance drinking enjoyment when used to cool soft drinks, long drinks, and cocktails.

The cold facts about water drinking temperature.

The cold facts about water drinking temperature.
Making the most of your drinking experience means serving your water at the optimal temperature. This will assist you in better matching water with foods and enhance your food-pairing experience. Temperature recommendations depend on your water’s carbonation level. This should serve as a guide: Still (12°C), Effervescent (13°C), Medium (14°C), Classic (16°C), Bold (17°C).

Treating water just like wine.

Treating water just like wine.
Ask any water sommelier. Many of the qualities attributed to fine wine are also considered when describing bottled water. From the terroir – the mineralization of the earth that it passes through while naturally filtering, through to pairing: matching a selected beverage with a particular food according to texture or mouthfeel. The mouthfeel is determined by the water’s level of carbonisation, designated from “quiet” to “loud” as Still, Effervescent, Medium, Classic, and Bold.

The natural beverage.

The natural beverage.
As such, rules of protocol and presentation are also factors to consider when serving luxury water. To enhance your epicurean experience, this includes the proper drinking temperature as well as whether you will be enjoying your water from a glass or stemware. A table worthy bottle makes all the difference, just like a beautiful water decanter.

Water, in all its transparency.

Water, in all its transparency.
If you would like to get a clearer picture on water, we have a reading recommendation. The book Fine Waters by Michael Mascha is an enjoyable read that explores the grandeur of water. It will take you from the origin, history and significance of this natural beverage and give you an edge on how to select, pair and serve the liquid of life with and distinction

Water Words 2.0.

Water Words 2.0.
Talking about water has changed over time. It used to be sufficient to say "clear and wet". Today, we differentiate and speak about the quality of water, its taste and our drinking experience. For example, in regard to origin (geographic location), mouthfeel (texture), orientation (based on the water's pH - "potential hydrogen" measure of alkalinity or acidity), and virginality (water purity).

The state of water.

The state of water.
Water is a substance that can have various physical properties. It can appear in a gaseous, liquid, or solid state. Scientists say that water probably came to earth in its solid state – ice: arriving four billion years ago, as a precious cargo trapped inside comets.

Source of life.

Source of life.
Water sustains life. Hydrating with the purest water possible is the way to cultivate good health. OSUISSE luxury natural water is Swiss Alpine integrity, bottled at the source. The perfectly balanced mineral composition is naturally filtered from a protected source known for its purity for nearly eight centuries.

The sound of water.

The sound of water.
We associate the sounds made by water with a bandwidth of emotions. The soothing babble of a brook, the thrilling rush of a river, or the exciting pounding of ocean waves. Rain drops splashing may even give us feelings of melancholy. But when the clear, cool liquid exits the neck of the bottle and hits the inside of a glass, we are only filled with delightful anticipation of imminent refreshment.

Alpine treasure.

Alpine treasure.
Let’s drink to diligence, reliability and transparency. OSUISSE marries the qualities that Switzerland is most famous for in a luxury water, which takes years to naturally filter before it is finally extracted and bottled with integrity at the source.
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